
Showing posts from August, 2013

Update on Baby # 2

Normally I wouldn't use my blog to post such personal things, but I feel like this might be the best way to keep everyone informed on what's going on with our latest addition.  For those of you who are just finding out about what's going on, I will start from the beginning. While Savannah and I were in Colorado I received a phone call from my OB stating that the results from our Quad Screen blood test came back with high numbers for a Neural Tube Defect.  We moved up our anatomy scan from August 21st to August 12th so he could confirm or excuse the results.  His office also made an appointment with a High Risk Doctor in Huntington for the 15th as well.  On August 12th I went in for the ultra sound and my OB could not find the defect, but could tell there was pressure on the baby's brain and her ventricles were dilated.  He was concerned the defect could be brain based, but wouldn't commit to that prognosis until after I went to the High Risk Doctor. On the 1...