Kennedy's Follow-up MRI

Kennedy had another MRI on Monday, March 17th. She did really well considering she was actually awake for this one. They even let me stay in the room with her. When she had her MRI's in the NICU I wasn't allowed to go in the room where the MRI machine was. I wasn't even allowed to be in the MRI area while it was going on. I had to wait for her to come back to her bedside area. It was nice to be able to be there with her this time. The MRI tech said as long as I didn't put my hand above her face, I could even reach in the tunnel and console her. Luckily I was able to give her her pacifier and she settled down. The MRI didn't take more than about 10-15 minutes. This was also a treat compared to the other MRI's she had in November which took 1-2 hours. After we finished up in the MRI lab we had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Stevenson, the Neurosurgeon. He showed me the images of the MRI and explained what each picture meant. ...