October Spina Bifida Clinic

Today while driving into Cincinnati, I got a little emotional thinking about how far we've come in a year. Even now as I write this, I can't help but choke up. In spite of all that happened leading up to her birth, God gave us such an amazing little fighter. She inspires and amazes me more every day. One thing that really blind sided me today was being told that Kennedy will soon be cast and fitted for AFO braces and a stander. The AFO braces are basically leg braces that fit through the calf and the ankle. One of Kennedy's feet points in a little bit and when she tries to bear weight on that foot, it looks like she's trying to stand on the side of her foot, instead of flat footed. The stander is basically a wheelchair, but you stand in it, instead of sit. It has wheels on the side, as well as two smaller wheels out front and two in the back. Rehab also wrote out a prescription to have Kennedy begin stretches in her weekly PT sessions. ...