Sedated MRI Results
Yesterday morning Kennedy had her second sedated MRI in six months. The results of her sedated MRI in December showed she had 3 dermoid cysts on her spine. After her rapid MRI in February, Dr. Stevenson said he wanted to have another sedated MRI to determine if these cysts were growing. Each of them has grown 2-4 mm's since December. Right now they aren't causing any problems, but Dr. Stevenson wants to have them taken out before they do become a problem. He's afraid if we wait more than 6 months they will eventually start pushing on Kennedy's spinal chord and cause her to lose mobility in her legs. I asked him if we could wait to see what the upcoming December sedated MRI would show in growth. He told me he'd like that MRI to be a post-op one to make sure everything looks as it should. While Dr. Stevenson is removing the cysts, he will also be detethering Kennedy's spinal chord. Normally the spinal chord freely moves through the spinal ...