
Showing posts from 2017

Kennedy is 4!

It goes without saying that children grow up in the blink of an eye.  If it wasn't true, Kenny Chesney wouldn't have a hit song discussing the a topic.  However, when you're the parent of a child with special needs, you get to savor some of the "baby" moments a little longer.  Sure the numbers go up the same, but sometimes that's all. Due to the circumstances surrounding Kennedy's birth, she started life behind the 8 ball, so to speak.  It was bitter sweet for me, because I loved seeing her fight so early in life and I got to have a baby for a little while longer.  However, it was frustrating and very hard to watch when she'd take a "step" forward only to take two steps back in the NICU.  I'll never the Christmas night of 2013.  Jonathon was holding Kennedy and had just finished giving her a bottle.  Kennedy's oxygen level started to drop and instead of giving her a second to correct it on her own a nurse, who wasn't familiar ...

Lupron tried to kill me.....literally!

In December of 2016 I began having serious pains in my side.  I called my PCP who told me to go to the ER.  A family friend brought their kids to our house to watch Savannah and Kennedy while he took me to the ER.  Jonathon was out of town, but was heading to Evansville.  At the ER it was discovered that I had a cyst on my right ovary.  The ER Doctor told me to follow up with my OB-GYN within the next two weeks.  Unfortunately, the next two weeks consisted of Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations.  January 11 th , I was able to follow-up with my OB-GYN.  Another ultrasound confirmed the cyst was still there.  Something I already knew because I was still having pain from time to time.  The OB said since the cyst hadn’t resolved itself she would like to remove it surgically.  January 18 th I had surgery to remove the cyst.  Before the surgery I had asked the OB to also remove my mirena IUD and tie my tubes.  After the ...