What the World Needs Now Is Grace!

Why are we so offendable? Why are we so quick to excuse our own shortcomings, but condemn the shortcomings of others? As a rule, almost everyone has a touch of narcissism within them. Why wouldn't we though? We are taught to look out for number one, all others be damned. That's what society teaches us, but what about God? I ask these questions for myself as much as anyone else. Like the rest of the world, I struggle the "all about me" mentality. However, I'm starting to realize that changing my attitude and giving a little grace is worth far more than self satisfaction or having the last word. The first time I heard the phrase "What the world needs now is grace", I didn't know what that meant. I was 18 and thought grace was just something you said before dinner. 16 years later, I've started to realize grace is a wonderful gift God gives us every day. It's also a wonderful gift He gives us so we may pass it on to others....