First Trip of the Year

We've been fortunate not to have to head up to Cincinnati for anything yet this year.  However, this trip yesterday was the first of 3 that will be made in the next month.  Yesterday morning Kennedy had a sedated MRI.  After the MRI she had a urodynamics test done and a follow-up with Dr. Stevenson, her Neurosurgeon.

The brain scan on the MRI showed her shunt is draining too much fluid and her ventricles went from being too big to too small.  After the MRI we went up to the Neurosugery Department to have Kennedy's shunt reset(the magnets in the MRI machine automatically shut it off).  The Resident programmed the shunt to a lower setting in hopes that it would correct the issue with Kennedy's ventricle sizes.

We won't get any of the results from the Urodynamics test until March 14th, when we go back to Cincinnati for Spina Bifida clinic.

Dr. Stevenson was very pleased with the images of Kennedy's spine.  This was her first MRI since she had her cord detethering and shunt placement surgeries.  He showed us a side by side of this MRI compared to her last MRI.  The images were like night and day.  Thankfully it doesn't look like the cysts have started to grow back and her spinal cord is free flowing in her spinal column as it should.  Of course he was a little concerned about her shunt over draining.  He would like us to come back in a month for a rapid MRI of the brain to make sure the new setting on the shunt has increased the ventricle sizes.


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