Off of the Merry Go Round

On January 4th, I had just come back to the hospital from having dinner at RMH when Kennedy's nurse received a call.  The Sleep Lab had an opening for her to do the sleep study that night.  Knowing it meant we could come home sooner, I told them we'd be happy to take the spot.  Around 8:30pm we headed over to the sleep lab.  About an hour later she had all of the electrodes hooked up and she was ready to go.  I was able to sleep in the room with her, which was a little strange.  This was the first time I'd ever been in the same room with her overnight.

Kennedy kept with her every 3 hour schedule for eating.  I was able to feed her with her still being in the crib.  The nurses were amazing and allowed me to help them move her and soothe her when she began to cry.  Around 5:30AM the study was over and we headed back to Kennedy's bed spot.  I headed back to RMH to sleep for awhile.

The results for the sleep study finally came back on Monday.  They had decided Kennedy would be discharged the next day.  I headed back to RMH to pack up my stuff and clean my room.  I didn't want to have to drive home alone with Kennedy because of how far we had to go, and thankfully the Doctor's also were concerned.  I packed up my car and headed to Indiana.  Early Tuesday morning, Jonathon and I headed to Cincinnati.  I was so nervous because I didn't want to get a call half way there stating that she had another episode and we'd be there for 5 more days.  We'd already seen quite a few discharge dates come and go.  I didn't want to believe this was real until we had her in the car and we were driving away.  

Once we got to the hospital we were watched car seat safety and infant CPR videos.  We also had to wait for the Apria Nurse to come give us the oxygen tanks and monitor.  I headed over to RMH afterwards to officially check out.  They were nice enough to let me keep the room just in case something happened and we needed it longer.  When I came back, Jonathon went downstairs with the Trauma Services Representative and installed the car bed into his truck.  I went ahead and dressed Kennedy for the ride home.    Kennedy's Nurse Coordinator was nice enough to give us a 3 month fleece sleeper and a quilt for her to go home with.  The Neurosurgery Resident and Fellow didn't want her wearing newborn clothes at the time because they were afraid it would force her scabbing to come off.  When it was time to go, we bundled Kennedy up good and I rode down in the elevator with her in a wheelchair.  We put Kennedy in the car bed and I snuggled in beside of her.  As we drove away, I couldn't help but reflect on the crazy roller coaster we'd been on since the end of July.  Even now, almost two weeks after we came home, I find myself getting a little emotional.  

The last two weeks have been an adjustment, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  From Tuesday to Saturday we had the opportunity to get Kennedy on a schedule at home.  On Saturday, Jonathon's Parents, Granny, and Cousin Kaitlyn came to visit, bringing Savannah with them.  She loved her new house and her new Little Sister.  On Saturday Night, Granny's Sister Dottie came to visit.  She brought her 9 year old Granddaughter with her and Savannah had so much fun playing with her.  When they walked in the door, Savannah asked Ava "You want to come see my room?"  It really hit me just how much Savannah had grown up since she'd been in Kentucky.  I dropped off my toddler when I went to have surgery and had a little girl come home.  


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