It's the wheel of the world, spinning around...

This week has had me shedding both tears of happiness and tears of sorrow.  On Monday, Kennedy had an MRI and follow-up with Dr. Stevenson, her Pediatric Neurosurgeon.  The results showed that Kennedy's ventricles are finally starting to stabilize.  This is such great news!!!  I had begun to prepare for a shunt placement.  Last year, Savannah's birthday party had been overshadowed by the idea of fetal surgery with Kennedy.  I didn't want Savannah's birthday party to be overshadowed this year by a shunt placement.  Kennedy goes back in September for another MRI and follow-up.  In November around her 1st birthday she will have a sedated MRI where they will scan both her brain and her spine.

The tears of sorrow came yesterday when I saw an update for a very special person in my life.  A very good friend of mine is dying.  This woman has been such a profound cornerstone in my life since the very beginning of our friendship.  I first met the woman I affectionately call "Bevmom" in 2004.  She was responsible for receiving and delivering mail for the company I was working at.  Due to the type of mail the company received, her office as behind a locked door and frosted windows.  Only certain people had access to her office.  There were many days where she was inundated with mail and I would help her sort it.  When I had to make the difficult decision to remove my father from my life, Bevmom was right there, listening, hugging, and helping me through the process.  We maintained our friendship even after I went to the University of Kentucky that fall.  The first winter break I actually had the pleasure of working for her while she took a much needed vacation.

Since 2007 Bevmom has been battling multiple brain tumors.  In spite of all of the surgeries, recoveries, and general pain and discomfort, Bevmom has always been a fighter.  She and her husband Don were gracious enough to drive all the way from Colorado to Kentucky for our wedding in 2009.  Whenever I go home it's not for very long before we are making plans to meet for lunch somewhere.  The last time we met for lunch was July 25, 2013 at the Village Inn in Highlands Ranch.  I could tell something wasn't quite right, but she did a good job trying to stay up beat and positive.  She and Don loved playing with Savannah and meeting my Grandma Mary.  As we were leaving I got a little choked up and told my Grandma Mary that I couldn't help but think that would be the last time I would ever see Bevmom.

This year, the day after Easter I received a message from Bev's daughter, Stacy.  She asked me to give her mom a call.  The next day I called Bevmom, knowing what she was about to say, but praying I was wrong.  We chit-chatted for a few minutes about Kennedy and life in Indiana.  Eventually I asked her what was new with her.  She'd been back to her Neurosurgeon and there were new tumors.  One of which was in a place that was inoperable.  After fighting such a long hard battle, Bevmom just couldn't fight anymore.  Shortly after that time she entered hospice and had a slew of friends and family come to Colorado to spend precious last moments with her.  I had originally talked with Jonathon about going home this summer, but with Kennedy's follow-up schedules, there just wouldn't be any time.

Yesterday I saw an update on Facebook from Don.  Stacy has done such an amazing job at documenting Bevmom's progress in a blog.  The latest entry was very heartbreaking.  Around Easter, the Doctors told Bevmom she had 6 months.  I joked with her that she'd better prove them wrong because I wouldn't be home until Christmas.  Unfortunately, according to her nurse, she's began the natural process of dying.  Doesn't God know we need more time with her?  We haven't had nearly enough!  I can't imagine what Don, Stacy, and Brianne are going through right now.  I've only known Bevmom for 10 years and this is so hard to face.  I'm losing one of the greatest friends I've ever had in my life and they are losing a wife and mother.  While I grieve her time here on earth coming to an end, I also embrace the idea of having another angel.  Bevmom has always been a good voice of reason, a tender shoulder to cry on, and a kind and loving soul that will have forever imprinted on my heart.  I will miss you so much!!  I love you with all of my heart and soul!!!


  1. Unfortunately I understand your pain and I'm forever here for you my wonderful friend. You are so strong and I love you very much!


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