Mini Pre-Surgery Update

The first week in August we will be heading up to Cincinnati for Spina Bifida Clinic, a urodynamics test, and a consultation with the Pediatric Plastic Surgeon.  Now that all of these appointments are made I decided to call Dr. Stevenson's office to see about scheduling a surgery date.  As luck would have it, the person who answered the phone does surgery scheduling for Dr. Stevenson.  After looking at the schedule she said we are looking at a surgery date the end of August or sometime in September.  The scheduler will be calling Plastic Surgery tomorrow to see what their schedule is.  Hopefully by the end of the week or beginning of next week we will have a date.  I can't help but think how cool it would be if they scheduled the surgery on the 2nd anniversary of our fetal surgery AKA Butt Day.  Even though we didn't celebrate Butt Day with more than a photo session last year, it really holds a special place in my heart.  I will let everyone know when we find out what the surgery date will be.  Thank you for all of your support and prayers.  They are greatly appreciated.


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