Kennedy's First Vacation

Last week we went on our first vacation since Kennedy was born.  We started out going to Jonathon's parents house in the beginning of the week.  Jonathon finally finished Savannah's pedal car, which he's been working on for over a year.  She really likes it, although her feet are about 6 inches away from the closest setting.  She likes to do the Flintstones thing with her feet though.  While we were there we also were able to celebrate the pending arrival of our newest Niece, Madilynn.  She is due in May, but I'm not sure she's going to wait that long.

The last half of the week we went down to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg for the semi-annual Rod Run.  Jonathon was really hoping to find his first classic car, but was unsuccessful.  We rented a really nice cabin and had Jonathon's parents, Granny, and Cousin with us.  The first night there we went to Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede.  Not only was the food amazing, but the show was pretty awesome too.  Kennedy slept through most of it and Savannah was scared.  She was excited to go down and meet one of the riders after the show though.  Every night after that she would ask if we were going to see the horses for dinner too.

Saturday we went to the Ripley's Aquarium.  Savannah had a great time.  She did get a little scared when one of the sharks swam close to the glass though.  Jonathon helped her pet a horseshoe crab, jelly fish, and ray.  Kennedy really enjoyed looking at all of the fish when on the moving walkway.  On a personal note, one thing I really appreciated was the nursing room they had in the women's bathroom.  It had two rocking chairs and a changing table.  It was nice to know that I could have some peace while I fed Kennedy.

For dinner we went to Bubba Gump Shrimp Company.  Every time we go to Gatlinburg I always love going there.  After dinner we took a nature drive to look for wild life.  Savannah had a fun time looking for bears.

On Sunday we headed back to Kentucky and spent the afternoon celebrating our Niece, Anslee's 1st birthday.  It was so fun to see how much she's grown, just in one year!!

All in all I think Kennedy had a fun time on her first vacation.  She's now ready to upgrade to the beach.


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