Test and Clinic Results - 5-20-14

Monday morning Kennedy had a follow-up MRI.  She wasn't as happy this time around as she was the last time.  Afterwards we were able to bump her renal ultrasound appointment up.  She made the ultrasound tech laugh because she kept placing her hands behind her head.  I'm beginning to thing this is Kennedy's security pose.  She sleeps like that all of the time!

We met with Dr. Stevenson at 10AM to discuss the results from the MRI.  Unfortunately Kennedy's brain ventricles went from 46MM to 48MM since her MRI in March.  She is beginning to develop Hydrocephalus, which goes hand in hand with Spina Bifida.  Basically her brain is making too much cerebrospinal fluid and could potentially create unwanted pressure on her brain.  While Kennedy now qualifies for a shunt placement, Dr. Stevenson would like to wait 2 more months to give her ventricles a chance to stabilize.  She will have another MRI at the end of July.  If her ventricles haven't decreased in size we will proceed with shunt placement surgery.

A shunt is a one way tube that is inserted below the scalp into the brain ventricles.  Fluid is transported through the tube and emptied into the stomach.  There is an excess of coiled tubing left in stomach that will eventually uncoil with growth.

Spina Bifida Clinic was at 1PM.  The Director and attending Doctor are not comfortable with starting Kennedy on solids until she is 6 months old adjusted.  They don't feel like she has good enough head control yet.  Kennedy is also gaining on the upper end of what they'd like her to, just being on the fortified breast milk.  They are afraid she could become obese if we add any extra calories at this time.

Kennedy will also begin to have Physical Therapy visits at home.  Now that she is getting into the "milestones stage" the doctors would like to see that she has all of the help she can get to hit her milestones in a timely manner.

Today Kennedy had a urodynamics test.  This test is to make sure the bladder is being emptied completely and there isn't any reflux going to the kidneys.   I was a little worried about this test because yesterday the Urologist said Kennedys ultrasound showed that she had kidney stones and sediment in the bottom of her bladder.  He was sure if these were causing any issues the test today would let him know.  Luckily they aren't causing any issues and she's emptying her bladder completely.  We go back in 3 months for another renal ultrasound.

Thank you so much to the Mullins Family for sharing your home with us these last two days.  We were so grateful for the time we had with you all!!


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